Monday, March 17, 2014

Bullying-Stop It

This video has been prevalent around the internet now-a-days.  You've probably already seen it, but if you haven't, I suggest you watch it.
We've all been influenced by bullies, whether we have been bullied, seen someone bullied, or have been the bully.  It's behavior that is completely contrary to the teachings of Christ.  Bullying puts others down for entertainment.  Bullying belittles self worth.
I didn't understand bullying until I was a victim of it.  It wasn't until my senior year of high school when I was elected student body president that I became subject to the rudest, most hurtful comments and actions I have ever encountered.  Everything I did was wrong, everything I said was wrong, everything about me was wrong.  I started eating lunch in my teacher's classrooms or in the dance room.  I hardly spoke in my once beloved speech and debate because the comments became personal.  Many days I was resilient to the taunting and ridicule from people who were once my friends, but some days I broke down and cried.  I even missed school a few days because I felt unsafe, both mentally and physically.
Bullying is a real thing.  Even though I was very confident in myself and had a great support system, it took a huge toll on me.  It wasn't until I came to BYU that I started to regain my confidence to speak up and be myself.  I had hid that for so long in high school that it was a liberating feeling.  No one should ever make you feel like you are not of worth.  We should never make someone feel like that they can't be themselves.
Even if people seem weird, are socially awkward, or just different from you, there is still something you can learn from them, even if it is just learning to be patient and kind.
I hope that as you finish your senior years and go throughout your life that you will be the peacemakers.  You will be the shepherds.  If you don't think bullying is real, or that your actions aren't hurtful, think again.
Remember Mark 12:31: "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.  There is none other commandment greater than this."  I have a personal testimony that as we come to love and serve others, we not only love more, but also feel love more.  The healing, comforting, and enabling powers of the Atonement are real.  If you have been hurt, seen hurt, or caused hurt, use the Atonement.  I testify that this is true, in Christ's name, Amen.

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