Friday, March 14, 2014

FAQ Friday Housing Edition

Housing seems to be the big worry at the moment.
I can definitely relate to this feeling.  I was so worried about having a crazy roommate, cooking, living in a smelly dorm, getting into the building I wanted, and more.
All on-campus housing is great.  No matter where you live, you can find someone who has the same interests as you.  In other words, campus is big enough and there are enough freshman that you're bound to find a good friend.
Now let me get to the point:  your BYU experience is what you make of it.  Even if you have to live in your second choice, it can still be a great experience.  I lived in both Helaman and Heritage Halls during my freshman year, and had very different experiences in each.  I put some pictures below of my experiences in each.  Feel free to ask me about it!
Outside of New Heritage
Inside of New Heritage (please notice the fabulous wall art)
Inside the lobby of David John Hall in Helaman
I'll be done talking about myself for a minute and tell you something really awesome.  Even if you missed the date to make a roommate request, you can still hold a bed for them!  How?  You'll need their NetID, and on your registration date you will be able to reserve a bed for them for ONE HOUR.  Catch is, that person must have the same registration date as you.  Even if they don't have the same registration date as you, there is a possibility of you rooming with that person.  Ask me if you get in that predicament!
To find more information look at the On-Campus Living guide on  Here's a link you might find useful:

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